Friday, January 11, 2013

Life, Love and God's Pursuit of Us.

So, I'm going to attempt my hand at blogging. This is kinda funny, cuz if you  know me at all, you know that I have a billion things going on in my life and me blogging right now means adding one more thing onto my schedule. As a music major with an 18 hour credit load, a work study job, taking piano lessons, teaching piano lessons, practicing and doing homework, there are definitely days that I wonder why in the world I am doing this.

This blog is going to be all over the place. My life is all over the place, as far as what I do, the moods I get in and the places I go. There is one thing though, that will resonate throughout this blog. That is my faith in Christ. I am not a perfect person. But that is why I need Christ. He is the reason I am alive today, and regardless of my current situation, mood, joy or frustration, His grace is what keeps me sane.

This brings me to the reason for the title of this blog.

Looking for His love notes.

I am convinced that God loves us with an everlasting love that pursues us. I am also convinced that He know the details of our lives and cares deeply about them. I am also convinced that since He is the one who created us, He knows the passions, desires, loves, likes, and dislikes of our hearts. He knows what makes our hearts beat faster, what makes us smile, what makes us laugh, what makes us cry, what moves us, what stirs us. Because of this, I am working to develop the habit of looking for what I call His love notes.

His loves notes could be anything at all that reminds me through out the day that He loves me. It could be a verse reminding me of His love. It could be a beautiful sunrise. It could be a light breeze playing with my hair on a sunny day (I like those). It could be someone in my life who gives a word of encouragement. Anything that God places in my path that reminds me of Him, His love and our relationship. Anything through which I hear Him whisper: "I love you."

I am going to be looking for His love notes on this blog. I am also going to be talking a lot about what is going on in my life. My hope is that this blog is a source of mutual encouragement: that you, the reader will be encouraged to know that you are not alone in the struggles and situations that you face, and I will be encouraged in the same thing as I hopefully get to read comments and responses from you.

My life is not perfect. There is going to be a lot of imperfection on this blog. But also a lot of God's grace and hope. And lots of looking for His love notes.

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