Sunday, March 3, 2013

A God That Blesses When I'm Not Looking.

Can I just brag to you about my God for a minute?

He's so funny. He likes to do things for me when I least expect it.

Here's my current situation that brings this up:
The other day I got a part time job offer teaching at the Lesson Factory. I could use the extra money, and I enjoy teaching piano, so at first I was pretty excited. And, to be honest, it was kind of flattering to be not even graduated from college and to get this kind of opportunity.

However, after praying about it and seeking some counsel on it, I decided now was not the time. I really don't have the kind of time to put in that they were wanting, and I need more flexibility with my schedule. Long story short, I didn't take the job.

Remaining issue: I could still use some extra cash. I have a car that needs fixed and school to pay for. And no time to commit to a normal job.

Now, when I prayed about the Lesson Factory, I asked God for peace in whichever decision (yes or no) was right. And I said if this was from Him, great. I also said that if not, then I was going to trust Him to provide something else. Because, if I'm being really honest, I was a little scared that I was going to make a wrong decision and then doors would never open up there again. But I made my choice and let it go.

Here's the fun thing.

I clean for a super-sweet elderly lady every other weekend. Today happened to be one of those weekends. And she mentioned that a relative of mine was actually wondering if I could pick up some hours cleaning for her as well.

The great thing about this is that it would be on the weekend, which I can manage, and it would alternate with my other cleaning weekend, making so I don't have to reschedule anything or try to work around my already crazy life. It would fit perfectly into a spot I have and if I need that day off for something, it's easier to get it off than it would be working elsewhere at, say, the Lesson Factory.

Now, it's not as glamorous as teaching piano by any means. But that ok with me. If this works out, it gives me the few extra hours of a job that I need and it doesn't require me to give up anything else or set up expectations I can't commit to. It works for me.

And I was definitely not looking for anything.

Gotta love how God brings in those blessings when you're not looking.

"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

Lost of times when you're not looking. :)

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