Friday, February 1, 2013

Just what I needed

I was not excited to wake up this morning.

Yesterday was a super long day, with me getting home around midnight, absolutely exhausted from a day of classes, work, Zumba, homework and going and going and going. And it just wasn't really my day. Ya know?

So when my alarm went off this morning...let's just say I hit the snooze button. Several times.

It was foggy. I was tired. I was achey. I didn't want to move. My bed was comfy, it was warm and who really wants to leave that? Especially when you know homework is waiting for your attention because it's due in a few hours...

Now, if I was more perfect, the next thing I'd have to say would be that I got up anyways, thanking God for the day with a smile on my face, did my devotions, listened to worship music as I got ready and the rest of the day was perfect.

Sigh. Not quite.

I did get up. Eventually. ;) I did thank God for the day. I didn't do my devotions (but I'm doing them tonight!), and I didn't listen to worship music as I got ready. I didn't pay close enough attention on my homework and therefore didn't do an entire page. I didn't get my piano practiced and I forgot about a test I have tomorrow (thank you Grace for reminding me).

But I'm still glad I got up this morning and that I have a Savior who loves me through my imperfections, less-than-stellar attitudes and failures.

Today I got to spend time with some dear friends. One in the morning as I did homework and had coffee, another during lunch, another on a half-hour walk in the sunshine. I got to go home for dinner with my family (a rare occurrence for me due to work schedules), and I had chocolate. :)

Maybe these things don't seem like big deals, but they were to me.

Being with friends and being with family are huge blessings to me. The sun was something I was really, really desiring (I'm like a solar-powered energizer bunny. Ok, not really. But if you lived in Oregon, you'd know the feeling of desiring sun the way we do). And coffee and chocolate are things that I really enjoy. Not life changing, but I still enjoy them.

In other words, today may not have been absolutely perfect, but it was sure full of blessings. And if I wasn't looking for God's love notes, He sure made them obvious.

He knows what blesses me and energizes me. And today He gave me a whole bunch of them. Just what I needed, when I needed it.

Even though I wasn't excited to wake up this morning.

I wish it could be this way every time I wake up like this. But the fog doesn't always lift, people aren't always around, chocolate and coffee take money and long days happen. And if all the things that make me happy were around all the time I'd probably cease to appreciate them.

Just what I needed, when I needed it. God's love notes. Sometimes really obvious, sometimes not. Today was pretty obvious :)

Thank You, Lord.

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