Monday, February 4, 2013

Sex Sells.

Sex sells. Obviously.

Don't worry, I'm not going to go off on a tirade about all the sensual Super Bowl commercials like thousands of other people are probably doing. Nor am I going to discuss all the elements of Beyonce's half time show (which, don't get me wrong, she's a talented artist. It's too bad though that her performance made her another object for men to watch and drool over).

But hey, this is our culture, right? A world where female performers are expected to show skin, dance their butts off (literally), and give those dark mysterious looks into the camera? A world where "Two Broke Girls" pole dance "because it's the Super Bowl." A world where women and girls are brought into New Orleans specifically for the Super Bowl, to "service" anywhere from 25-50 men in a day. A world where what used to be something sacred and beautiful has been reduced to nothing more than an exchange of saliva between whatever randomly-matched people a company chooses to publicize. A world where it's normal for a male model to prance around in his underwear.

Well played, Satan. Well played. You've managed to take some of God's most creative and beautiful ideas, you've taken His image-bearers and the highest possible level of human intimacy and you've managed to twist them, strangle them, mangle them, rip it all up and repackage everything as something appealing.

And we've bought it.

We've totally bought it. Because we are wired for intimacy. We are wired for sex. We are wired to admire the opposite sex. But something inside us is broken and we have stopped treating all this as something beautiful and God-ordained. It has become our god. Instead of a means of worshiping God as He intended, we have made sex our god.

So we live in a world where sex is glorified and publicized. A world where the expected "Secret Life" of our teenagers is sex. A world where women are expected to dress to show what they've got and act in ways guys like. A world where men are expected to meet the athletic, muscular profile. A world where we all have to be toned and tanned enough to look really good in a swim suit.

Does anyone else have a problem with this? Being told by culture that all you're good for is sex? Because that's essentially what all these messages mean. The expectations and standards of our world is that we are attractive and mysterious enough to maintain a couple of really intriguing romances before we get really old and wrinkly. And because no one wants to get old and wrinkly, do everything you can to "reverse" the aging process so you stay attractive. So that you're good for something.

We've created a mess for ourselves. A mess too big to explore in a blog. This page would go on and on if I kept pointing out messages and ways we're lied to.

I don't think we really need to be told though, do we? We know all this. Deep down inside, we know all this.

What are you going to do about it?

Seriously, not sarcastically or rhetorically or shrugging it off.

What are you going to do?

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