Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Single's Awareness Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Or Single's Awareness Day. Whichever you prefer.

I feel like Valentine's Day is somewhat of a touchy subject for some people. And it's no big deal for others. And it's a joyous, lovey dovey occasion for others.

Who knew one holiday could be celebrated so many different ways?

You have your non-single people, whose brains probably look something like this:

And you have your single people, whose brains probably look something like this:

OR something like this:

Personally, I find myself in a cross between Godzilla up there, and this:

Kidding! But not really. Depends on the day. I just really wanted to incorporate that Justin Bieber song in this posting...

All kidding aside, some people make a big deal out of this day, and others don't. And the reasons for doing so or for not doing so are, I'm guessing, about as unique as the individual the reasons come from.

Before I continue, I would just like to say, that if you have a significant other to celebrate this day with, blessings and happiness to you. I hope this day is wonderful and romantic and memorable. I really do. Now, know that the rest of this posting is directed towards singles, but you may get something out of it too. 

Everybody watch this:

Ok, my single friends. Hear me out. I'm single too. As single as they come. My mother had been married for a year by the time she was my age. (I'm 20. You do the math) I have close friends who are in serious relationships, or engaged, or married. I have a friend younger than me who's been married since this summer! Couples are hooking up all around me, seriously like all the time. I go to a Bible college for crying out loud. 

I know what it's like to want a boyfriend and not have one. I know what it's like to like someone and have them pay special attention to your friend instead of you. I know what it's like to have someone like you and to not like them back. I know what it is to be single. Trust me. I know what it is to have that little creepy voice whisper in the back of your mind saying "Something is wrong with you. You're not worth loving. You're not worth pursuing. No one will ever want to go deeper into who you are. You're not worth knowing. Suck it up."

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's ever gotten that message. So let's walk through this together, shall we? This isn't about Valentine's Day. This is about our hearts. Because what's in our hearts is magnified in situations like this. In other words, your attitude towards this day is indicative of what's going on inside of you.

What I have found is that I cannot, cannot, cannot base my social status, my value, my worth, my affirmation, my future, my anything, on other people. The only only only only person who can silence the creepy voice of worthlessness is Jesus Christ. And I am firmly convinced that if I am not whole and complete and significant and loved and loving without a guy in my life, then I will not be all those things with a guy in my life. Yes, I want to get married someday. Yes, I would love to have a boyfriend. But I also know that this is a time of my life that I will never have again. And for me to waste a lot of time wishing for what isn't mine in this season, is to miss what is for me in this season. If all my energy and thought life is spend wishing for a guy, then I'm missing out on the blessings and opportunities God has right in front of me. The guy will come. My job is to travel the road I'm on faithfully until God joins our two roads together. 

If you are freaking out about this day because you are single, I would like to humbly and gently offer this piece of advice: relax. It's ok. Take a deep breath. You are not the only single person in the world. And you have the rest of your life ahead of you. 

And your worth is not reliant on you having a significant other.

Now, what I'm not saying today is that we should all want to be nuns or monks or that we should stop liking people or stop wanting to fall in love. That is not what I am saying.

What I am saying is let's not freak out. Rest in knowing that when the time is right, it'll happen. And I firmly believe that if we let God write our love story, rather than trying to tell Him how we think it should go, it'll be so much more beautiful. 

Enjoy your day today. Knowing that regardless of your current relationship status, you're ok. Life is full of seasons. Enjoy the one you're in. It's not forever. 

We're ok, my single friends. We're ok. And there is nothing wrong with us. Don't let anyone tell you that there is. 

Happy Valentine's Day. :)

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